Assembly Instructions for the Protoboard for the Basic Stamp 2 or BX-24
This provides assembly instructions for the Protoboard for a Basic Stamp 2 or BX24. The silkscreen on the PCB is very good and you should have little trouble quickly and accurately assembing this high qualtity board.
In the following, I have also identified the Jameco part number for those who wish to purchase only the PCB.
I suggest mounting all low profile components first, followed by the electrolytic capacitors, power jack, D-sub connector, and finally the 7805 regulator. This will assure that the board will sit reasonably flat during assembly and also assure a minimum of difficult in mounting some of the smaller components.
- R2, 330, (orange, orange, brown), 1/4W, Jameco 30867.
- D1, 1N4004, Jameo 35991. Place such that the band on the diode is aligned with the silkscreen on the PCB.
- RESET, switch, pushbutton, Jameco 119010.
- LED, Jameco 94511. Align such that flat on LED is aligned with the silkscreen.
- IC1, 24-terminal socke (0.6 inch)t, Jameco 112265. Align notch on the end of the socket with the silkscreen.
- C1, 220 uF, 25 VDC, Jameco 30497. Align the minus on the capacitor with the silkscreen.
- C2, 0.01 uF, ceramic, Jameco 15230.
- C3, 100 uF, 25 VDC, Jameco 93762. Align such that plus side of capacitor agrees with plus sign on the silkscreen.
- DTR & JP, 2-terminal strip, Jameco 108337. Use shorting blocks, Jameco 108337. No shorting block is required on DTR for the BasicX BX24.
- PWR, coaxial power connector jack, 2.1 mm center, Jameco 101178. After placing, bend the tabs to hold the jack in place while soldering.
- CON1, 9-term D-sub connector, Jameco 104951. Placing this requires alignment of all 9-terminals with the holes on the PCB. Check to be sure none of the terminals are bent. Place and gently turn back and forth, while exerting minimal pressure until the connector drops into place.
- VR, 7805 Regulator, Jameco 51262.